Most Fashionable Travel Trend

Most Fashionable Travel Trend

I’m often asked what specializing in luxury and wellness travel means. To which, I usually respond with another question, “What does wellness travel mean to you?”

More often than not, clients sit back in their chairs and are forced to really think about it.  It is usually at this point that I begin asking questions that you may have never considered before.  When you imagine decompressing from the routines of your everyday life, do you gravitate towards the ocean, feeling the warm sun on your face and your toes in the sand? Do majestic mountains take your breath away? What makes you radiate from the inside that gives you that relaxed, fresh glow on the outside?  Finding destinations that help you nourish your mind, body and spirit is our specialty, because finding the right fit is personal, and everyone’s definition is unique.

Long gone are the days of showing up at a hotel and well, doing nothing. Today’s sophisticated travelers are asking for transformative experiences.  You are looking for what I call your “wellness bag of tricks.” You want to go to interesting destinations, perhaps off the beaten path, and learn ways to incorporate wellness in your everyday life. As we age, it becomes harder to stay centered, fit, healthy and relaxed. We are multitasking at lightning speed and we need experts in varied fields to help guide us in finding the healthy balance we’re all seeking. 

We look for properties that have a strong sense of place.  There is an attention to detail and a purpose for everything they have.  From the moment you walk through their doors to the time you depart, they tell a story and during your visit, you are transported back in time and become part of that story. The staff is proud to be there and their top priority is ensuring your happiness while you’re there.  All of this translates into the magical experiences we look to create.

Just like the fashion world, the travel world also enjoys trends—creative iterations of classic ideas. Here are three of our favorite properties that can give you a taste of wellness trends—from unspoiled beaches to guided wellness resets.



This newly opened, clean and modern resort, perched on a gorgeous stretch of unspoiled pristine beach in the Caribbean’s Grenada, is a living embodiment of everything a beach getaway should be. The contemporary suites and residences enhance the gifts that Grenada has given to the world—sun, sand, and that sparkling ocean, that you can even enjoy from the iconic infinity pool at the resort. The dining at Silversands is a delicious homage to the famed spice heritage of the island and the diverse seafood at your fingertips. There’s nothing more classic than a luxurious beach getaway—but Silversands elevates the comfortable classic to a truly immersive island experience.

Chablé Resort


There is maybe no better example of a resort with a true sense of place than Chablé.  2018 was the year of experiences, instead of things, and we love to see that trend continue to influence travel in 2019.  A visit to Chablé takes you straight into the Yucatan jungle, where you’ll find, among other things, a cenote, a freshwater reservoir considered sacred since ancient times, a temazcal, a Mexican steam bath, said to promote health and spiritual well-being, and your own private plunge pool in your secluded casita to enjoy.  The spa treatments, whether as simple as an aromatherapy massage or as in-depth as a Chablé “journey,” weave this sense of place in through each technique, setting, and ingredient. You can spend your days at Chablé getting to know your temporary home through the exquisite dining or the cultural experiences like cooking classes, cacao classes, or tequila tastings. If 2019 is going to be your year of experiences, let this unique one set the tone.

Ananda in the Himalayas

At Ananda, you don’t just dip your toes into the world of wellness getaways-- you jump in and let it wash over you. Here in Northern India, you’ll be in the birthplace of yoga and a haven of Ayurveda, an ancient Hindu system of medicine designed to balance your mind and body. Your program can be completely customizable, from dining plans catered to your body to a completely individualized spa schedule. Safaris, hikes, fitness classes, and spiritual rituals are available for travelers who love a full slate of travel activities—and the tranquility of the accommodations will still be there for travelers who don’t.

Just like choosing the perfect dress, travel isn’t one-size-fits-all. While one woman’s dream vacation is soaking up the sun for one blissfully undisturbed week, others yearn for authentic cultural experiences, or a chance to make a lifestyle change upon coming home. Our favorite travel trend of 2019 is exactly that—having the opportunity to explore and find what nourishes you from the inside out, and to celebrate what makes you beautiful in your own special way.  


Simona Cassius is President and Founder of Prana Journeys, specializing in luxury and wellness travel for families, groups and solo travelers all over the world -

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